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Glimpse of an unborn baby in ultrasound.

The Adoption Experience

Parents-to-be are always excited to meet and get a glimpse of their unborn baby in 3D/4D/HD ultrasound.   That is why A Chosen Child has partnered with A New Image Baby. We are passionately dedicated and committed to creating  lifelong memories by giving the family the ultimate service at a pleasing family atmosphere designed to encourage family bonding. The sonogram is also able to indicate diagnostic features like the due date and baby sizing.

A New Image Baby


Bringing a baby home

Adopting can be an overwhelming process. Many people want to build their families but have no idea where to begin. At A Chosen Child we take them time to listen to your concerns and guide you through every step of the process. We have staff and contract social workers, adoption coordinators, lawyers and support staff to work with our adoptive parents through each step of the process


Waiting is the most difficult part of adoption. Whether it's waiting to be chosen or waiting for the birth of your child, A Chosen Child will be there to help you to the next step. We offer suggestions to help families in the selection process and to guide families through the wait after being chosen. We help families fill the time with coordinated birth mother meetings, sonograms and suggestions for organizing the trip home from the hospital.

A table clock


Once your bundle of joy is ready to go home, there is still a lot to do... post placement visits, pediatric follow ups, birth mother updates and those are just a few things. At A Chosen Child, we help our families to transition into whole families by helping you to arrange your post placement visits, by guiding you through an online updating system and by generally listening and guiding you through the remaining steps of adoption.

A foster mother helps an adopted child study.


Financial and Medical Help


If you need help with obtaining insurance and financial resources for daily living, we have you covered. Our dedicated team members work with birth mothers every day to obtain insurance. And, as part of your adoption plan, we can provide financial assistance for your daily needs like rent, food and transportation. Call us for a worry free adoption plan at



Are you afraid of being homeless while pregnant. How will you meet your expenses while you are unable to work for an unplanned pregnancy? As part of your adoption plan, we can provide financial assistance for your housing. We also help our birth mothers find solutions for their housing needs based off of their location and long term needs. Text us to begin your adoption plan at 


Choose Your Family

Create your own adoption plan ranging from open to semi-open. We work with our birth moms to find the right family for their babies. We have profiles for you to consider and we arrange virtual meetings prior to the birth so it isn't strange to meet your family later. Our birth moms also meet with their adoptive families after the birth for a more personal meet and greet.  We want you to feel cherished and happy with your choice. Call us to make the perfect plan for you at


Call us


Find us: 

2507-B Edgewater Dr. Orlando, FL 32804 

3019 Edgewater Dr. Orlando, FL 32804 (mailing address)

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